Saturday, June 7, 2014

Casey Pup

Casey gave us a fright.  On the Tuesday night after we had laid Rocky to rest, 
she raced up the drive with the other 2 and then coming back she was really slow.
That wasn't entirely unusual as both Casey and Rocky had been slow on the return of our
half walk.  I went about some of my normal routine and then found Casey sprawled on the deck. 
 I thought she had slipped between the deck and the wall so lifted her up and she fell again.

From Tuesday to Friday she could hardly stand up and needed assistance to get her walking.
I thought we were going to lose her on the same week as Rocky.  I managed to get time off work
and we booked her in to the Vet's on the Friday afternoon.  She started to look better so 
cancelled the appointment.  On the Saturday morning, I went off to get a couple of things and
came home to find Stuart really worried about Casey.  We had a long discussion and I phoned
the Vet's and made an appointment for 5.15pm.  

We put Casey on the dog bed in the dining room and covered her with a blanket.
I brought my computer downstairs and worked on a photo album I had made digitally 
for Casey and also one for Rocky.   About 2 hours before the appointment, Casey woke up
and looked at me with bright Casey eyes.  I got her up and she walked freely around the garden.
We cancelled the appointment again and now 2 weeks later she is better and more like herself.

She is getting herself upstairs again and following me like she always has.  
She runs after the others and is eating all her dinner again.  She is one amazing 15 year old dog.
Arnie with his dog Casey.