Sunday, May 16, 2010

One Chick left

Sadly we have only 1 chick left from the 11 hatched.  I found another one lying on its' side.  We put it in a box as it was still alive at that stage.  later I decided to move the hen and her 2 chicks back in to the main Chook House.  I put the sick chick under another hen and found it still there the next morning.  It had died overnight.  There was no sign of the black chick and later on my husband found it dead and partially eaten.  Rats have been getting in to the Chook enclosure.  The remaining chick is doing well and the hen is keeping it warm and safe for now.
Jake and Chloe really do love each other.  Here they are cuddled together on the sofa next to my husband. I guess that is why there are rats in the Chook House!  

The kittens are 10 months old now and growing fast.

Arnie is working on the rat population as he came in with a baby rat a few minutes ago.  Keep up the good work Arnie!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cats and Chickens

We are now down to 3 chickens.  Sadly 2 of the buff chickens died.  One I found dead and the other was calling out all night and the next morning was looking a bit cold.  I put it under a lamp and gave it food and water and it was starting to look quite perky.  I checked on it when I let the dogs out in the evening and it had died.  It was still warm so it had just happened.
The chick that came from an earlier hatching looks like it is going to be a Rooster.

  We watched Jake climb this ponga with amazing skill.  While he was busy working his way up, the rat that he had spotted had walked down a frond to another ponga and then along a branch to a tree and disappeared in to the bush.  Jake got to the top and looked around the ponga like he couldn't believe the rat wasn't there any more.

  I tried to take photos as he came down but they are all a bit blurry and it was rather funny watching him.